Hiring a maid to clean up your home is always a very good idea. It helps you clean up your home while also saving a lot of time too. It’s the best of both worlds and it has the potential to bring in front some really good results. With that in mind, there are some internet privacy concerns. What if the helper wants to take pictures inside your home and post them online? Or if she live streams from your home? It’s very important to include internet privacy in your house rules.
Create your own set of internet privacy rules
It’s important to educate your FDW from the beginning. You should let her know how you feel about her sharing your family photo to Facebook. Creating your own set of rules about this topic is extremely important and you have to understand the situation properly for this to work flawlessly. It’s always tricky to deal with this, because you don’t want your helper to feel restricted. On the other hand, your privacy has to be respected.
Let her know that she needs to ask for permission
Yes, asking for permission is mandatory. You can share these rules with your maid agency when you hire the maid. Or you can talk to her directly. Either way, your maid needs to know that asking for permission before sharing social pictures or sending them to friends and family is a must. You need to be frank about this and let her know that sharing images in your home is not really permitted unless you agree to it.
Explain the risks of sharing personal moments on social media
Social media can be very tricky. It seems like a great place to hang out and talk with people. But then again there are lots of scammers and thieves lurking on social media. They are tracking the interior of a home and eventually steal from it. Which is why it’s important for the maid to understand why sharing personal moments like that is not a good idea.
Facebook Privacy Settings education
Another thing that any maid agency in Singapore needs to know is that to educate FDWs about Facebook privacy settings. She can easily alter the privacy settings on mobile app. A potential employer will be okay with her sharing images only with her friends, but if the pictures are public, that can be a privacy problem. Which is why educating her regarding these privacy settings is a must.
Understanding all these challenges and protecting yourself against internet privacy problems is a must. Thankfully, educating a FDW about Facebook privacy settings is not very difficult. Homekeeper gives you access to a professional maid service in Singapore that has helpers already educated in the art of internet privacy. Don’t hesitate to WhatsApp us for more details now!
About the Author
Linda Seh has over 20 years of experience in the Employment industry. She takes the time to thoroughly interview each family and helper to understand their requirements, personalities, and preferences. Her intuition and insight has helped her make placements that result in lasting, harmonious working relationships. Linda now leverages this expertise and experience to simplify your search and ensure you find the ideal and qualified helper to become a valued member of your family.