When the pandemic hit our shores, most of us had to comply with the government’s advisories on COVID-19 – the highly-infectious virus which has threatened to paralyse our country’s economy. Not only that, it has also changed the way we work and interact with people on a daily basis, with technology at the core of most interactions.
As we gradually adapt to working from home or studying remotely, it can be overwhelming to give undivided attention to clear the weekly workload and keep the house tidy, both at the same time.
Before the outbreak, we could easily hire a domestic worker to help with housekeeping while we work. However, in order to curb the spread of the virus, the process of hiring one became a lot more tedious.
Now that the government has allowed certain business activities to resume while we continue to observe the recommended precautionary measures, we can look forward to hiring domestic workers to help with the house chores.
Before allowing your newly hired domestic helper to enter the house, here are a few things you should do to ensure peace at home and peace of mind, at least for a month or so.
1. Adhere to government’s COVID-19 advisories
With border restrictions being gradually lifted to allow essential inbound travel, foreign domestic workers are required to serve a 14-day Stay-Home-Notice (SHN) before being allowed to work in the country.
If you plan on rehiring your domestic worker, who returned home before the outbreak, be sure to inform them of the precautionary measures.
Additionally, you may want to ensure that you can fulfil the responsibilities as outlined by the Ministry of Manpower to bring them in.
This includes paying for their test and stay at the dedicated facility, providing them with a local mobile number to ensure constant communication, and ensure that they adhere to the precautionary measures whenever they’re out running errands.
2. Provide mask and gloves
As your domestic helper will be tasked with cleaning your house, providing them with masks and gloves can reduce their exposure to your germs and vice versa. The protective equipment may also help your domestic worker to avoid touching their face whilst cleaning your house.
3. Try to avoid being home during intensive cleanings
Seeing as the World Health Organisation (WHO) is advising the public to maintain a safe distance from others, you can excuse yourself and your family outdoors when your domestic helper is doing a more intensive cleaning at home.
In addition, you can keep your domestic helper safe by avoiding being in close proximity within enclosed areas. Be sure to inform your domestic helper of your plans so that they’ll understand the context and be prepared in the future.
4. Emphasise on good personal hygiene
As the biggest health crisis continues to threaten everyone you know, you may emphasise on maintaining good personal hygiene with your domestic helper.
This can help to protect your family, especially those with weak body immune like young children, the elderly or those with special needs, from contracting the virus.
Should any of your household members are down with other illnesses, remind your domestic helper to wear a mask and keep their distance from your family member.
As the virus can be transmitted via droplets and direct contact, wearing a mask and regular washing of the hand with soap reduces potential transmission to your domestic helper.
5. Avoid sharing food/drinks, utensils and toiletries
In order to protect both your family and domestic helper from the virus, you may take extra precaution by sanitising the utensils which have come in contact with your domestic helper.
Other than that, normalise having separate dishes for your family and domestic helper to prevent possible transmission as extreme situations such as these require extreme measures.
Homekeeper can help with your household needs
If you’re looking to hire a domestic helper within Singapore, Homekeeper has a database of domestic workers to choose from. You’ll be able to look through their biodata and key information of potential domestic helper.
Additionally, we’ll process the necessary documents for you and your helper-to-be. We’ll then provide maid pre-employment training to ensure that your helper-to-be meets your household needs.
Join 60,000+ happy families in Singapore who have found suitable helpers for their home care needs by reaching out to us.
About the Author
Linda Seh has over 20 years of experience in the Employment industry. She takes the time to thoroughly interview each family and helper to understand their requirements, personalities, and preferences. Her intuition and insight has helped her make placements that result in lasting, harmonious working relationships. Linda now leverages this expertise and experience to simplify your search and ensure you find the ideal and qualified helper to become a valued member of your family.