With the current COVID-19 pandemic affecting every aspect of our lives, it comes as no surprise that foreign domestic workers in Singapore may face tougher challenges during these trying times.
In line with the government’s regulations which restrict close physical contact including social gatherings, every one of us has to abide by the advisories to combat the spread of the infection.
While most Singaporeans remain connected with their families and friends via the internet thanks to their economic security, foreign domestic workers are limited to several ways when it comes to contacting their family.
Should there be any emergency back home, they can only offer remote help as they’re not encouraged to return home. So can you imagine how your domestic helper must be feeling during this pandemic?
Put simply, foreign domestic workers in Singapore may have a tough time during this pandemic. However, if you can make them feel at home while working for you, why not? Besides, a little bit of kindness goes a long way.
Homekeeper Maid Agency is here to suggest a few things you can do when you have a domestic helper at home during the pandemic.
Abide by the precautionary measures
As most of us continue to work from home, it’s inevitable for some households to seek extra domestic help. Before hiring new filipino maids or maids from other countries, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) suggests that you hire a helper who is currently in Singapore.
However, if you have a helper who returned home before the pandemic and wishes to return for work, they will certainly be subject to a 14-day Stay-Home-Notice (SHN) upon arrival in Singapore.
Your foreign domestic helper must complete the 14-day quarantine period at a designated facility before being allowed to resume work. Bear in mind that this measure is necessary to curb the spread of COVID-19 as well as keep both your family and domestic helper safe.
Encourage spending rest day at home
Given the current situation in Singapore, the MOM is encouraging domestic helpers to spend their rest day at home. If your domestic helper insists on working on their rest day, you’ll have to compensate them accordingly, given their dedication to the job.
Additionally, if they agree to stay home on their rest day, you shouldn’t assign any work to them. Try putting yourself in their shoes if such a thought crosses your mind; you wouldn’t want to do any work on your rest day.
Moreover, if your domestic helper needs to run some errands on their rest day, you can offer to switch their rest day to a weekday as there’ll be lesser crowds at public spaces.
Emergency back in the home country
When there’s an emergency, it’s common for anyone to drop what they’re doing and attend to it immediately. Same goes to your domestic helpers when they have an emergency back home.
But during this pandemic, allowing your helper to return home may not be the best idea as you’ll risk exposing them to the virus.
Though you may be reluctant to let them return home, such a situation can be inevitable at times.
If you’ve decided to let your helper return home, you should equip them with the necessary advice and protective items such as masks and gloves to keep them safe during their journey.
Keeping in constant contact with your domestic helper may also come in handy when they decide to return for work.
Look after your helper’s well-being
Just like any other person’s well-being, keeping your domestic helper’s well-being in check is also crucial during this pandemic.
As they provide extra care to your family and maintain your household’s sanitary level, your domestic helper may risk overworking themselves if left unchecked. Be sure to check on their emotional and physical well-being before adding on any workload.
Homekeeper can help with your home care needs
If you’re looking to hire a new domestic helper within Singapore, Homekeeper has a database of domestic workers to choose from. You’ll be able to look through their biodata and key information of a potential domestic helper.
Besides, we’ll process the necessary documents for you and your helper-to-be. We’ll then provide maid pre-employment training to ensure that your helper-to-be meets your household needs.
Also, we have a new and upcoming service that allows employers to employ a helper from the comfort of their own home, completing the entire maid employment process online and having your chosen helper deployed to your home hassle-free. Be sure to look out for it!
Reach out to us by calling (65) 6468 5220 or email at contactus@homekeeper.sg.
About the Author
Linda Seh has over 20 years of experience in the Employment industry. She takes the time to thoroughly interview each family and helper to understand their requirements, personalities, and preferences. Her intuition and insight has helped her make placements that result in lasting, harmonious working relationships. Linda now leverages this expertise and experience to simplify your search and ensure you find the ideal and qualified helper to become a valued member of your family.