Important Questions To Ask When Choosing A Maid Agency In Singapore

Choosing the correct and reliable maid agency in Singapore can prove to be very challenging, especially for first-time employers because there are over 2,000 licensed Employment Agencies (EA) in Singapore (according to MOM).

There are so many factors to consider when choosing a helper and it doesn’t help that there are so many choices out there.

Ways Of Hiring A Maid

Undoubtedly, employers don’t have to approach a maid agency in Singapore – they can choose to directly hire a maid themselves.

However, most will hire a maid agency as it is more convenient and you will feel more rest assured with experienced professionals who will handle all the paperwork for you.

From the selection of maids to the training and issues management, a maid agency like Homekeeper, will be able to manage these tasks easily while you focus on employing a maid that is of the right fit to your household needs.

Different Types of Questions You Should Ask Your Maid Agency

Before hiring your prospective maid, it is good to have some questions on hand to pick the right maid agency in Singapore.

Hiring a dependable maid agency will help give you the peace of mind to hire a maid which you can trust.

This is one of the most important qualities to look for in a maid as they are living in close quarters with you and your family.

1. How long have you been in the industry?

Like any industry, having the experience is important as it shows how professional the company is and how much reputation they have built for themselves within its operation.

A maid agency in Singapore that has been around for longer must have been able to build a solid reputation due to its quality services.

Therefore, asking how long they have been in business is one way to gauge their skills and expertise.

2. How do you train your maids?

You want to have the assurance that your maid is well-trained and can adapt to the living conditions in Singapore.

It will be easier for you if your maid has already been trained by the agency on how to use regular home appliances such as the stove or iron, and have practised using them in the agency beforehand.

Other than teaching the maids on basic skills, a good maid agency in Singapore will also teach different methods of cleaning and give them specialised training on safety, professionalism and customer service.

3. How do you screen your maids?

You want to have some assurance that the maids you may be hiring are honest and trustworthy.

You can check with the maid agency on the background of the maids to have a better idea of who she is and the upbringing which she came from.

If the maid agency is more selective in screening their applicants, this means that the maids are also more trustworthy and worthy of your consideration.

4. What are your service fees?

You should know how the charges are calculated and the total cost of hiring a maid through a maid agency in Singapore.

Be sure to check and ask the agency to list all the costs involved to prevent yourself from paying any hidden fees which you missed when signing the contract.

If the cost is too high for your budget, consider other maid agencies in Singapore that are more suitable instead.

5. What if I am not satisfied with the maid?

Different maid agencies will have different conditions on how to find a replacement in the event the helper is not suitable for your home care needs.

You should discuss this beforehand and be well-informed of the process, if necessary.

It is also important to check how long the replacement will be for, especially if you are in desperate need for one.

You should not have to compromise on the quality standards of the maid for a quicker replacement.

A good maid agency will have ample of options available for you to choose and help in making the replacement process as seamless as possible.

Hiring A Maid Through A Maid Agency in Singapore

Homekeeper is an excellent choice for a maid agency in Singapore to help you handle all the paperwork and processes involved in hiring a good maid.

Homekeeper not only matches you with the most suitable candidate for your home care needs, we also take care of the tedious paperwork, provide maid insurance and offer essential maid training to ensure you have a smooth and good experience in hiring a helper for the first time.

Ultimately, saving you the time and effort during the search process so that you can hire a perfectly capable helper that won’t let you down.

Email us at or contact us at 6468 5220 for more info!

About the Author

Linda Seh has over 20 years of experience in the Employment industry. She takes the time to thoroughly interview each family and helper to understand their requirements, personalities, and preferences. Her intuition and insight has helped her make placements that result in lasting, harmonious working relationships. Linda now leverages this expertise and experience to simplify your search and ensure you find the ideal and qualified helper to become a valued member of your family.
