6 Housekeeping Hacks to Make Your Life Easier

Keeping up with Singapore’s fast-paced lifestyle can be difficult. This can be especially challenging if you have to manage a busy corporate life, attend to your children’s needs and still have to find time to manage household chores. If you are faced with a crazy schedule every day, here are six housekeeping hacks that can make your life easier.  

1. Iron your clothes when slightly damp

Remember that time when your child needed a spare set of school uniforms but the only one available is still being hung out to dry? If that happens again, tell yourself that there is no need to wait for the clothes to dry. It is actually easier to iron your clothes when they are slightly damp. Ironing completely dried clothes can require effort because creases would have set in, and you’ll need to take a much longer time to smooth out the wrinkles.   When clothes are slightly damp, the ironing process is simplified because there is no need to spray water or starch.  Ironing out the creases is also much easier.

2. Wash dirty dishes in a huge tub

For those without a dishwashing machine or hired help from a maid agency in Singapore, washing dishes may be one of the most dreaded household chores. Not only do you have to do it after every meal but each time there is bound to be a full range of dirty dishes ranging from big utensils to small cutlery and cups. If you want to streamline this process, consider washing the dishes in a huge tub. Fill the tub with water and soap, then sink all the dishes inside to soak out the dirt before finally rinsing them one by one under a running tap. 

3. Use vinegar for cleaning

There are many housekeeping hacks that can save money, and one such hack is using vinegar in replacement of cleaning detergents. With some research, you’ll discover that vinegar is an effective cleaning agent that is great for removing even the most stubborn stains. For example, you can microwave a mixture of vinegar and water to soften stains and residues.  This process makes it much easier to wipe away the dirt and leave the microwave smelling fresh.  Vinegar can also be combined with olive oil to remove liquid stains on wooden furniture and restore its original look

4. Get rid of stubborn stove grease with baking soda

Baking soda is a superb cleaning agent because it is mildly alkaline and can cause dirt and grease to dissolve easily.  Coupled with the fact that baking soda is a non-toxic product, it is extremely suitable as a household cleaner.   A good spot to use this cleaning agent is the stove, which is usually stained with food residues and grease.  Simply sprinkle the baking soda on it, then spray some water.  Let the mixture sit for an hour before wiping down.  

5. DIY your own toilet & sink cleaners

Do you know that you can create natural toilet cleaners from scratch? To make a toilet bowl scrub, mix one cup of baking soda with drops of tea tree and lemon or orange essential oil. This cleaning scrub will make your toilet bowl sparkling clean in no time. Alternatively, try a mixture of baking soda, drops of lemon and basil essential oils and dish soap.  This mixture makes a perfect cleaner for toilet sinks and bathtubs (and also leaves them smelling great too!)  

6. Remove pet fur with rubber gloves

If your vacuum cleaner is not picking up your pet’s fur, don’t fret – with just a pair of rubber gloves, you can pretty much get the job done. Simply wear the gloves and glide them across your sofa, curtains, and any fabric coverings that have trapped fur. The friction between the glove and the fabric will create a static energy that causes light debris like pet hair and lint to stick to the gloves.

When it comes to household chores, there is no need to go at it alone. Consider hiring a helper with Homekeeper Maid Agency to lighten your load. Homekeeper is a reliable maid agency in Singapore. If you’re looking for a helper for housekeeping, we can help to recruit maids from different approved countries including Filipino maids, Myanmar maids and Indonesian maids.

Reach out to Homekeeper Maid Agency by calling (65) 6468 5220, WhatsApp (65) 8515 5527, or email contactus@homekeeper.sg to find your ideal helper today.

About the Author

Linda Seh has over 20 years of experience in the Employment industry. She takes the time to thoroughly interview each family and helper to understand their requirements, personalities, and preferences. Her intuition and insight has helped her make placements that result in lasting, harmonious working relationships. Linda now leverages this expertise and experience to simplify your search and ensure you find the ideal and qualified helper to become a valued member of your family.
