Helping Your Domestic Helper Improve Her Language Skills

It is effortless to converse with someone when you understand each other’s language. That’s the case for majority of the Filipino maids employed in Singapore. However, if your domestic helper is from Myanmar which has a different ethnicity or culture, language differences are expected. It would help if you allowed them to have adequate time to sharpen their language skills for effective communication.

When you understand each other well, miscommunication is unlikely to occur. A new language gives one unique opportunity to learn and understand new cultures. If you have children, your domestic helper needs to master your language since the children will interact with her daily for a long time.

1. Support her learning process

Help her practice her language skills

  • Practise makes perfect. To become proficient in something, you have to practice it for long. Domestic helpers in Singapore spend most of their time indoors. They have limited interactions with other people; therefore, it is difficult to practice their language skills.
  • Teach your helper one word per day. Review the vocabulary weekly and help her practice. Practice can be done by holding discussions on movies, articles, and everyday activities.
  • Encourage her to converse in the target language. Give her feedback on the performance. If she is slow to learn, do not display frustration.
  • Introduce her to new topics to help improve her vocabulary content. However, do not overwhelm her with too much at the same time.

Encourage her To Set Up Language Exchanges

  • Language exchanges will be great for her to improve new language. It can be an intimidating method, and therefore, you should first find out if she is comfortable with it.

Correct her mistakes: When she makes mistakes, correct her gently and explain it to her. She will then be able to improve her language skills.

Help her set goals: Goals help one to track their progress. She should set short and long term goals.

2. Give Them Access To The Right Tools

There are many tools for learning languages, both online and offline. Online is ideal for a domestic helper in Singapore who works from home and has limited contact with people outside the home. Utilize the available technological tools.

Vocabulary-learning apps

There are many online apps for vocabulary learning, some of them free. There have many exercises in different languages, such as English, Mandarin, and French. Such apps help you learn the basics of the target language. You can pick up vocabulary daily.

The apps are user friendly. They can be accessed using a laptop or phone and help the learner make many downloads.

Audio content

To learn a language, you must hear and speak it. That way, you experience pronunciations and intonations. The following platforms can be beneficial.


The platform allows users to access streams in many languages from radio shows world-wide. As a learner, you can decide on one recording, maybe of a podcast. Listen to it repeatedly and pick up new vocabulary.


It is the largest platform for audio-visual content. You can listen to videos of a target foreign language and add subtitles.

Platforms For Comprehensive Language Courses

Many platforms have structured programs, depending on how complex the language level is.

  • Duolingo: It is a great beginner’s tool. It introduces you to the basics of a language. They offer 27 different languages. Some languages, such as English and Mandarin, are offered for free.
  • The Foreign Service Institute: It has a very comprehensive database of language courses. Some languages have audio resources. The content is free for users and is great for practicing how to read and write a foreign language.

Help your domestic worker in Singapore access reading materials

  • Encourage your domestic helper to research on diversified reading resources. For a beginner, she can start with children’s books. Over time, she will move to magazines, journals, books, and other enhanced material, as their knowledge expands.
  • Ensure that she read materials with content that interests her. The materials should be of her level, e.g., beginner, elementary, or advanced.

3. Sign Up Your Domestic Worker For A Language Course

If you want your domestic helper to be fluent in a language, you have to invest in a professional. Language classes help a learner have the focused attention of the tutor. Unlike online platforms or just reading, one can practice speaking the language with other students or tutors.

Additionally, one can improve their grammar, pronunciations, and intonations. A language class helps a learner discover the rationale behind it.

Training center

Homekeeper domestic helper agency collaborates with Aria Training & Consultancy to offer language classes for the domestic helpers in Singapore. Employers based in Singapore can register their domestic helpers for English and Mandarin class.

Elements To Remember

  • The experience of learning a new language is unique for everyone. There is no universal method. Additionally, there is no wrong or right way to do it. Just adapt the practices that work for you.
  • Each medium has its advantage. The advantage can favor some people, but not all.
  • The speed at which your domestic helper learns a new language depends on factors such as the learners’ personality and how many words they can speak.

Leading Maid Agency in Singapore

Homekeeper Maid Agency has served over eighty thousand families. It has four branches in the Island. The Maid Agency is the best for the following reasons:

  • Rigorously screens and trains their staff
  • Provides reinforcement training
  • Strong & Reliable pre-post employment support

WhatsApp us now to learn more!

About the Author

Linda Seh has over 20 years of experience in the Employment industry. She takes the time to thoroughly interview each family and helper to understand their requirements, personalities, and preferences. Her intuition and insight has helped her make placements that result in lasting, harmonious working relationships. Linda now leverages this expertise and experience to simplify your search and ensure you find the ideal and qualified helper to become a valued member of your family.
