Everything You Need To Know About Transfer Maids In Singapore

Transfer maids are the ones who got much experience as compared to the new ones. Transfer maids are one of the types of maids category.

Such maids are high in demand as compared to the other ones. However, that doesn’t mean the employers do not hire other maids; it’s just people like to hire experienced and trained maids.

According to the stats, people prefer to transfer maids over the new ones. But it solely depends on the employer’s interest and the overall hiring process.

This article will discuss the main differences between the new maid and the transfer maid Singapore.

Working Years

Transfer maids are the ones who have already worked in Singapore. But the thing is they are just changing their employers due to some reason.

One of these could be employers are leaving the country, maids are not happy with the workload or maybe have changed mind after completing the contract.

However, this is not the case with the new maids. Those usually don’t have working experience and so looking for the job.


When it comes to transfer maids, one can have surety that the maid has some years of experience, as she is already working in Singapore. But this couldn’t be the case with the new maids.

New maids are fresh, enthusiastic about working, and probably have no work experience but looking to have the one in her country.


If you want to hire a transfer maid, then you can have a face-to-face interview with them.

However, this couldn’t be the case with the new maid. But you could find a maid agency in Singapore which allows you to have an interview with it.

However, you can find a couple of those but that too a telephonic or a skype interview, maybe not face-to-face. In such cases, most probably, the answers would be taught by the agency.

So, in the end, you would end up getting a maid who is not self-taught. In this case, you may want an experienced and trained maid only.

There may be those who wish to go for inexperienced maids in Singapore who can easily teach as per their requirements.

Pros & Cons Of Hiring A Transfer Maid

It’s good to hire an experienced, trained, and tested transfer maid as she would have years of experience. She is transferring from one employer, so chances would be higher to get new opportunities and work in a new environment.

Transfer maids could be verified about working qualities from the ex-employer.

But it too comes with a disadvantage. Working for so long can make a maid arrogant when it comes to ruling over her. Yes, most transfer maids Singapore wouldn’t feel it good if you try to rule them.

The reason for this could be experienced. Also, they would demand a higher salary, which may not be acceptable for many employers. So before going for a transfer maid, keep these points in mind.

Process Of Hiring A Transfer Maid

Here are some important hiring steps. If you perform these steps carefully, you can be assured to get an excellent transfer maid.

  • Research: This is the most important point to consider while looking for a transfer maid. If you don’t want to get in touch with a maid agency Singapore, you have to research a lot.

You can ask your friends and family who may have to get any transfer maid, or maybe they know someone through a social circle.

  • Websites: The next step is to explore reliable and professional websites. You can check special Singaporean forums where you can find authentic information about the maids. You can even put an advertisement for a transfer maid on any popular social media website.
  • Agency’s help: Getting professional assistance is always beneficial. You can get in touch with one of the best maid agencies. Such agencies have experience finding the best talent.

Three Necessary Steps To Follow While Hiring A Transfer Maid Singapore

  • The first step is visiting a reliable website searching for the transfer maid Singapore. However, it’s necessary to visit a professional and reliable website so that you can avoid any fraud.
  • The next step is to conduct an extensive interview and try to get all your confusion cleared. Only conduct interviews of those who you think are appropriate for the job.
  • The last step is to get a work permit for your maid for the foreign domestic worker on the Ministry’s site.

Undoubtedly, transfer maids are super high in demand because of their working experience and, of course, the skills. However, putting some effort could help you get a perfect transfer maid for your home who can stay with you for longer.

About the Author

Linda Seh has over 20 years of experience in the Employment industry. She takes the time to thoroughly interview each family and helper to understand their requirements, personalities, and preferences. Her intuition and insight has helped her make placements that result in lasting, harmonious working relationships. Linda now leverages this expertise and experience to simplify your search and ensure you find the ideal and qualified helper to become a valued member of your family.
