Hiring a Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW) from Indonesia (Full Guide)

Suppose you want to hire a maid from Indonesia and you are in Singapore. There is certain basic information that you should grasp beforehand that will ease the process of hiring. It would be best if you also considered looking for an Indonesian Maid Agency in Singapore.

Here is an essential guide and an all-around primary collection of information you need to know about hiring maids from Indonesia

The Basics of Hiring Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs) from Indonesia

Most people in Singapore prefer hiring Indonesian MDWs compared to other nationalities. The Indonesian Helpers make up more than 50% of the MDW population in Singapore compared to the other nationalities such as Philippines and Myanmar for many years. 

There are essential things that a Singaporean is required to have before hiring an Indonesian maid.

Firstly, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) does a follow up to ensure that you are financially capable of hiring and maintaining an MDW. The reason is, on top of the monthly salary which cost you $550 to $800, there are other expenses you need to afford.

Some of the financial responsibilities other than the salary are:

  • Monthly levy to MOM
  • Compensation for working on rest days
  • Living expenses
  • Covid-19 related cost

That is why the MOM are keen to ensure that a person hiring an MDW is well aware and capable of the financial responsibility.

Other essential requirements before Hiring an Indonesian Migrant Domestic Worker include the proper documentation. You are required to apply a Work Permit for your Helper to work legally in Singapore.

As an employer, it is your responsibility to ensure that your Helper has the required papers to work abroad. All the cost incurred is you as an employer who should cover.

Requirements for applying for a Work Permit for Indonesian MDW:

Employers will need this information for application:

  • MDW’s passport details
  • Employer’s and your family members’ details
  • Employer’s income information
  • MDW’s written consent

The Ministry of Manpower also expects you to have insurance for either medical or personal accidents as the employer. You must also purchase a $5,000 Security Bond for each Helper you hire.

If this is the first time you are employing the Indonesian maid, they ought to attend training that you as an employer should register them. The training is a preparation for the work ahead. 

If you are a first-time employer, you must attend the Employers Orientation Programme (EOP). It is a mandatory programme that will help you understand your role and responsibilities as an employer of a Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW).

It is important to note that the training, also known as the Settling-In-Programme (SIP), is mandatory for all new Indonesian Helpers.

Employers must be responsible for all costs incurred.

Engage A Maid Agency

The process of hiring a maid on your own can be tedious. More so, if you are trying to save time.

Additionally, all that paperwork, would you rather not have someone make the process easy for you? That is why getting an Indonesian Maid Agency in Singapore is not only necessary but paramount. A good Maid Agency such as Homekeeper will assist you in all the processes.

Homekeeper Maid Agency

If you are looking for the best Maid Agency in Singapore to assist you in hiring an Indonesian Helper, Homekeeper is the place to go. Our services include:

  • Finding you a Helper, you will therefore not go through the tedious work of looking.
  • We assist in the settlement of the paperwork, the contracts, the passports, the air tickets, and everything required in writing. All you have to do is sign.
  • We offer maid Insurance. You can get that out of your list of Worries

Our objective is to see you get a Helper without going through much hassle. Consider us as your burden bearer!

Contact Us

WhatsApp: 8515 5527

Tel: 6468 5220

Email: contactus@homekeeper.sg

About the Author

Linda Seh has over 20 years of experience in the Employment industry. She takes the time to thoroughly interview each family and helper to understand their requirements, personalities, and preferences. Her intuition and insight has helped her make placements that result in lasting, harmonious working relationships. Linda now leverages this expertise and experience to simplify your search and ensure you find the ideal and qualified helper to become a valued member of your family.
